Keep It Simple

Live on Sun, Feb 23, 10:55am EST    Neil Montgomery

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." - Matthew 13:44

As I think about my relationship to God I sometimes wonder if I grasp just how valuable it is? There is nothing that we could possibly think of that comes close to the value of being adopted into God's family. 

Now that we know Jesus, He tells His followers (us) to not keep it a secret.  

Over the years, the Church has grappled with tips and techniques of how to share your faith. I still remember sweating like crazy with the pressure of telling someone about Jesus. I still feel guilty when I don't tell my trapped seatmate on a plane about Jesus. 

As I have grown in my walk with God, I'm learning that it was never supposed to be a "pressure" to "win" your lost friends over to Jesus.  

The beauty of apprenticeship is that you fall in love with Jesus. When you love something or someone, you can't help but tell someone else. There is great freedom in that.

Join us as we learn how to tell the story of Jesus the way the author of I Corinthians teaches us.