How to Stop Being Such a Baby

Mar 9, 2025

"Watch this!"

"Can I show you something?"

"Dad, look at me!"

I still remember the first time I rode my bike on only two wheels. I ran inside and made my parents come out and watch me. The first time I swam without sinking...I begged my parents to watch me. Oh how my parents must've been exhausted each time one of their kids pleaded to be seen, approved, and loved.

I still long to be seen and to be affirmed. We all want to know that we are "getting better" at something or mastering a skill. Whatever it is, every person needs an "Atta boy!" or "Atta girl!" from time to time--to know that we're on the right track.

Do you ever wonder how you're doing spiritually--when it comes to following God? Do you ever wonder if you're maturing in your faith? Is there a report card? Though, we cannot "earn" anything with God--He has freely given us His love, grace and mercy--we can get a sense of whether or not we are maturing in our relationship with Him.