Sin in the Camp
In John 18, after trying to figure out who Jesus was, Pontius Pilate famously asked, "What is truth?" People have been seeking the answer to that question since the beginning of time.
People desire to know the truth until it treads upon their truth (translation: comfort). Our tendency or preference is to "shape truth"... or adjust it to fit the way I am living. So, we create phrases like "your truth" and "my truth."
The Urban Dictionary (a database where a most liked definition becomes "the" definition) defines truth as: “A non-negotiable personal opinion. This is a convenient phrase for avoiding arguments because people can contradict your opinion, but not your truth.”
In essence, if everyone's truth is the truth, then nothing is true. The truth is (I know I'm overusing the word here) that there can only be "a" truth. I don't jump off of a 200 ft cliff because the "truth is" I will likely die. We must discover THE truth (as opposed to fashioning our own truth) and align our life to it.
Why am I saying all of this? Because the Bible is truth.
If the Bible is our foundation of truth, then it is imperative to align our lives to ALL of it...not just parts of it. This week, in our series on I Corinthians, Paul lays out some "hard truth."