Unity Again?

Mar 16, 2025    Neil Montgomery

I was born in Canada. So, I grew up playing hockey. Isn't that what all Canadians do? (insert smiley face emoji here). The teams that did poorly in the standings all had one thing in common--they didn't play together. Many of those teams had really great players, but they all tried to be the hero. The result: they would fall into and over each other and end up losing most of their games.  

Conversely, the teams that did well...all had one other thing in common (and you can see where I'm going)...they played together. Each person had a position--it may be goalie, defense or right wing. But when they played their position it was a sight to behold. They may not have been the best players in the league, but because they worked together they did well. 

I know we get that (working together)...but, if we're honest, it's a struggle to practice it in our lives. This Sunday, we'll take a look at I Corinthians chapters 3 and 4 and learn from Paul the how and the value of unity in the body.