I Corinthians-Introduction

Feb 16, 2025    Neil Montgomery

My first day "on the job" as a Pastor was exciting. I couldn't wait to link arms with the people of God and be a light in our community. Then I experienced my first church business meeting. Rather than talk about how we can love our neighbors and serve the less fortunate in our community, we argued. We argued about service times, paint colors, what the Pastor wore on the platform, what hung on the walls in the sanctuary (do we call it sanctuary or auditorium or worship center). We argued about hymns and choruses and flags and drums and pews and chairs. You get the picture. 

The result of a divided church is a "stuck" church--a church that cannot serve the purposes of God with any lasting impact. Yet, in Jesus' own words, His purpose in coming to earth was to "set the captive free" (Luke 4:18) How do you live free in a stuck world?

I'm so thankful that the Bible gives us the answer to overcoming our division. A unified church is an alive church...a light in a community...a hospital for the sick. A unified church is powerful as it moves together to accomplish God's kingdom work. A unified church is an exciting place to be. The joy of Jesus is expressed in the countenance of its worshipers and God is glorified. 

I hope you'll join us as we begin our new series in the book of I Corinthians--Living Free in a Stuck World.