The "Secret Wisdom" Is It In You?
I've always battled insecurity. I don't know if it was my bright red hair, my freckles or my short stature, but I've struggled my whole life to matter, to be seen.
I'll never forget a day in second grade when I talked my friend Steven into pretending to speak a different language with me. For an entire recess we just talked gibberish to one another and acted like we were having a completely normal and coherent conversation. It felt cool. We had something our classmates didn't have. For one recess I felt like I was noticed--like I was "the guy"--for a moment. I completely ignored the fact the people were looking at me like I just cracked my head on the pavement.
We all long to be loved and to have substance to our life. When I came to know Jesus, I hoped that following Jesus would be "the thing" that catapulted me to the "in" crowd. I think some of His early followers thought the same thing. So you can see just how disappointing it would have been to them when Jesus died.
And then...Paul writes to the church in Corinth and basically says, "Hey...there IS a secret wisdom from God...available to us as His children." Okay, that sounds intriguing. But it's what Paul says, right there in 1 Corinthians chapter 2. Come join us as we continue to unpack Paul's letter in our series, "Living Free In A Stuck World."