GracePoint Live

Jun 30, 2024    Neil Montgomery

I remember the season of raising young kids and how challenging it was. Not just the energy of keeping up and running from one event to the next…but the “cost of raising a family” was something I never saw coming. For years we pinched pennies, amassed credit card debt, constantly dealt with broken down cars and struggled to pay bills. That being said, we were still blessed compared to the rest of the world…but we struggled.  

I’ll never forget the season when kids became adults and flew from the nest…when debts began to be paid and life seemed less of a financial strain. I was stunned as I began to see my bank account move in the right direction. It became a game (more of an obsession)—to stay out of debt and amass MORE! Suddenly, I was thinking about retirement and travelling the world and taking it easy.  

Then it hit me.

As an apprentice of Jesus, who has been entrusted with much, I am blessed to be a blessing. The Bible saves us the pain of figuring this out for us—that amassing MORE will never fill the deepest need of contentment in our soul. It’s actually the opposite—by practicing generosity (remember “Practices of the Way?) you begin to experience the joy of being the hands and feet of Jesus. There is no vacation big enough to compare to the joy of loving the way Jesus teaches us. 

Join us as we wrap up our study of God’s message through his prophet-Obadiah.